Meaning of (आकस्मिक घटना) akasmik ghatana in english
As noun : accident Ex: There were a lot of mangled bodies at the accident site.
Other :
casualty Ex: There are many casualty estimates fortuitous event contingency emergency Ex: he never knew what to do in an emergency
Suggested : a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action dependence on chance or on the fulfillment of a condition uncertainty fortuitousness Military
a member of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because his or her whereabouts or condition cannot be determined an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss casualty mishap
Exampleआकस्मिक घटना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of आकस्मिक घटना:
1. उन्हें ये लापरवाही नहीं बल्कि सामान्य आकस्मिक घटना लगी
(आकस्मिक घटना) akasmik ghatana
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
aakasmika ghaTanaa
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